Set during the Great Depression, fifteen year old Mary Alice Dowdel, leaves her city life to stay in a rural town with her Grandmother, one with quite the reputation in her town. Living in a very different town then what she is used to, she learns more about country life, her grandmother, and herself. After her stay, she contemplates going back to live in Chicago.
Suggested Delivery: Independent Read
Reading Level: Lexile: 610L
Vocabulary: privy, conniption, cipher, celluloid, dropsy, clabber, spectacles, vittles, rapscallion, rickrack, transfixed, simper, chink, chenille, wattle, burgoo, brazen, preen, chancel, bridle, squall, myrrh, frankincense, benediction, sidle, prow, dubious, cruet, petrified, deacon, variegated, annihilate, dervish, valedictorian.
Vocabulary Activity: Introduce the vocabulary to students, explain that many of the words in the text relate to the Great Depression. Have the students create vocabulary cards for these words. The students will reference these vocabulary words as they read as well as familiarize themselves with the words prior to reading. Explain with each word that refers to the Great Depression why it does so and what it means according to this time.
Teaching Strategies:
Discuss with students the Great Depression. Ask questions to assess their prior knowledge on the subject such as: what do they know about it? When did it occur? How did it effect people? Show them a timeline of the Great Depression accessed through this site: Explain to the students what happened during the Great Depression, answer any questions the students may still have and clarify some misconceptions.
Have students complete an anticipation guide prior to reading the text; adapt or use form from:
During Reading:
Have students write about a time when they were in a new place or situation (moving, new school, unknown place, etc). Have them answer questions and address questions such as: how did it make them feel? Where did they have to go and why? Would they do it again? Discuss how this activity relates to the text and Mary Alice's feelings about moving. Why does Mary Alice have to leave? How does she feel in this new place?
After Reading:
Have students get into discussion groups to discuss various themes and answer questions concerning the book. Prompts for the discussion can be accessed through this site: Have students complete an exit slip related to the reading: list three things you have learned from the text: about the characters, the text, and the Great Depression.
Web Resources:
Various website links to lessons and guides for the text:
Literature review with recommendations for teachers:
Information on the author:,,1000025091,00.html