Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Higher Power of Lucky by Susan Patron

Published by: Atheneum Books for Young Readers

Lucky Trimble is ten years old, living in Hard Pan, California, and dealing with the difficult task of finding herself. A story of courage and self-reliance, The Higher Power of Lucky tells the account of a girl's difficult life and her search for her "higher power." Her two friends Miles and Lincoln, play a strong role in her life, as Lucky does not have the presence of her parents in her life. With the loss of her mother two years ago and the abandonment by her father, Lucky is placed under the control of her father's ex-wife Bridgette. Lucky deals with many complications and difficulties throughout the novel, but does not quit in her search to find herself.

Reading Index: Lexile: 1010L; Ages 9-11

Suggested Delivery: Independent Read

Teaching Suggestions:

Vocabulary: mangled, enzymes, drastic, creosote, resign, decipher, anonymous, sinister.

Vocabulary Activity: Have students create original sentences with the vocabulary words.

Teaching Strategies:

Pre-Reading: Discuss as a whole class what it means to discover a "higher power" in yourself as well as finding yourself. Have students write an example of when they have trouble finding themselves and how they dealt with this process.

During Reading: Have students discuss in small groups the many challenges Lucky faces in the novel. Have students compile a list of these challenges and how she deals with these challenges.

After Reading: Have students write to Lucky regarding their reactions to her story and her life. They will include: how did they feel about the book? who was Lucky as a character? how did Lucky handle various challenges in her life?

Web Resources:

Review of the book and concepts covered in the book:

Author's website:

Patron, S., & Phelan, M. (2006). The higher power of Lucky. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.

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